Monday, July 25, 2016

Review: Artdeco Eyeshadow Base

I have never had a review of a primer before, it's mostly because I don't use them that much. In the past, I used to use a face primer daily, The Body Shop Tea Tree Pore Minimizer to be more specific. Now I'm using the POREfessional by Benefit but only when I feel it's needed. But this one? This is the first eyeshadow primer I have ever used.

I think that this is because I wasn't that much of an eyeshadow person. I was wearing eyeshadow only when I was on a night out, or when I was invited to weddings and stuff. But, for about a year, I put eyeshadow every time I do my makeup. So I decided to start using a primer. Before that, I was thinking that a primer is useless. I was so wrong you guys, it's a must! Especially if you want your eyeshadow to be there for hours and hours.

So I chose to buy the Artdeco Eyeshadow Base. I wanted to try an Artdeco product for quite a while, because I have never used any other products of this brand before so that was my chance, a new product and a new brand tryout for me. I call this a win-win situation. Well, before I move to a purchase, I always read reviews from clients and this is something that never has failed me. As you can guess, I did my research before I bought this product as well and I have to admit that the 99,6% of the reviews were positive. There's always some bad reviews for all the products but in the way I see it, it's nothing out there that's likable to everyone.

After all those good reviews, I decided to buy it and yes, I haven't regret that. Just a little goes a long way. I need just a tiny bit of the product to apply for each eye and that's it. It is very soft, which is very helpful to me to apply it even easily. It has a neutral soft color which I think it suits to everyone. It's not lightly colored so it will even out the skin tone, not cover it. It is kinda glittery but not that much so that's something that doesn't bother me. The best part is the stability it gives to my eyeshadow and eyeliner. It's amazing.... When I'm back home and I check out my makeup, after many hours of having it on, I see that my eyeshadow is exactly as it was when I firstly put it on. I can't believe how much important an eyeshadow primer is. Now I'm never leaving home without a eyeshadow base, if I'm going to do my makeup. Something that I was afraid of, was whether I could blend the eyeshodows wearing a primer or not, because it's something like a glue. Luckily it is not keeping me away from blending. It allows me to blend no matter how eyeshodows I want, the same way I would blend them without the primer. The best part is that Artdeco is against animal testing and the products used to create cosmetics are cruelty free as well.

Are you guys using an eyeshadow primer? If so, which one? Do you recommend it? I'm actually going to be using eyeshadow primers in the future and try out some more from other brands. Now that I know how much useless a primer is not, I need to try moooore!

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