Saturday, July 16, 2016

A piece of advice for acne prone skin

I have acne for about 3 years. When I was 19 I saw my skin changing and start becoming acne prone. Since then, I have visited a lot of dermatologists, a gynecologist-just to check my hormones, and a plastic surgeon. None of them helped me. No, I'm not a weirdo they just didn't. Finally I don't have any hormonal issue so the gynecologist couldn't do something to help me, the plastic surgeon told me that he would order some products from the US that would cost me 600€. I started laughing jus hearing that. Really, I was like alright I don't carry that kind of money with me,maybe because I don't have that kind of money. Like at all. couldn't move to a purchase like that, I didn't even have a job to pay for that. Anyways last but not least the dermatologists. Each one of the dermatologists I visited had his very own combinational recipe to give to their patients with acne. It was like a rootine for them. None of them tested my skin to see what kind of acne I have in order to give me the right prescription. So they weren't that  helpful. One of them actually wanted to give me pills, which I didn't want to but he wouldn't respect my opinion. I don't like pills that much so I don't take pills very often. But he wouldn't get it, I tried really but I cannot keep up with someone that I cannot communicate with.

But what are those pills and if they would help me why I didn't take them? I'm not going to give a trademark, but it's active ingredient is isotretinoin, which I'm not a big fan of. I heard it has helped a lot of people and I'm happy for them but the side effects are too much for me. This just wasn't my cup of tea but that doctor wouldn't respect that. He might have that God's complex or something. Yeah, now I became a psychologist... Such a talented girl. Anyway, after all these attempts I decided to give up fighting acne and live with that. Furthermore, makeup is my best friend so my problem wouldn't be that obvious to everyone.

But makeup isn't the answer and it's not helping to get rid of the annoying zits. It covers only the color, not the bump so most of the times I was looking like the picture under.
This actually could be a selfie of mine, wearing just a foundation and concealers. Yes I use different kind of concealers on my face. At the moment I use the Essence...all I need concealer palette 

Anyway, let's cut to the chase. After all these years trying to find the cure for my acne, visiting different kinds of doctors and pharmacies, I kept some advices I have been given. I saw a big difference doing that kind of things so I really wanna share with you guys and I hope this will be helpful for you as well. 

Dry my face with kitchen roll 

You might find this weird but it really helps. I take two or three pieces of paper and after I wash my face, I don't use a paper towel in order to dry it, I use the kitchen roll papers. You can use a towel if the paper thing isn't for you but not more than once. The towel won't get dirty with just one use but the odds that this won't help your face create new zits aren't with you. The second time you'll use that towel it will be full of zit residues and dead skin cells. Do you wanna put something like this on your acne prone skin? 

Change my pillow case every other day 

No matter what, I change my pillow case like three times per week. Even if I'm on vacation, I take pillow cases with me. Now you might wonder why don't just I ask from the hotel I'm staying to do it for me. The answer is simple, I don't trust them. How do I know that they have washed them properly? My face is going to stay on that fabric for many hours so this must be as clean as possible. That's why I change pillowcases at home that often as well. 

Cleaning up my makeup brushes , like a lot 

I heard that cleaning your makeup brushes at least once a week is fine, but, I wash them every time after using them. Not all of them actually, just the brushes I use for my foundation and concealer. The eyeshodow brushes and stuff like this, wash once per week or less, depending on the use. But the brushes that are going to touch my acneic spots, they...they need to be washed more often. 

Use acids 

I'm not a big fan of that but they're miracle workers!I am talking about facial gels enriched with acid. I've used Adaferin and Glycolic Gel by Mario Badescu and I saw a major change doing it! But be careful with that stuff you guys, they're making your skin photosensitive so you'd better not use them on the summer/shiny days and always put that on your skin at night, before bed. If you're planning to be outdoors for long time the following day, under the sun then skip your dose the night before. Don't forget always to follow the instructions written on the product. I heard that AHA creams are very helpful on an acneic skin but haven't tried something like this yet. 

I hope those tips would help you as much as they are helping me. If you have any tips to share with me don't hesitate but leave me a comment saying what's that you have on your routine that helps your skin look better.

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