Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Products I regret buying

Throughout the years I have bought many products that are either useless or a big disappointment. For some reason I kept these products (I'm not a hoarder....really....) and for some other reason I bought new ones. So today I'm sharing with you my big purchase failures.

Aussie miracle hairspray shine and hold (post)

Contrary to what it's name suggests it's not miraculous nor holds anything. This was a big disappointment. I bought this product was when it was first launched here. I found some good reviews so I decided to buy a product from that brand. That period I needed a hairspray so I bought that big fat failure. I have never tried anything else from that brand actually so I don't have an objective opinion about it. But that hairspray.... That hairspray is a fail! Smells bad too. The weirdest part is that it's been empty for 2 months but I haven't thrown it in the recycling bin yet. Well, that's kinda good because I was able to photograph it and put it on this post, which totally belongs here.

Unbranded lipsticks 

It's not the fact that they're unbranded, I don't mind tha, it's just the fact that they stink. I bought them because I liked their color maaaaany years ago. I was so young back then that I didn't mind that those lipsticks smelled really bad nor that they might not even be dermatologically tested. Besides that, they won't stay on the lips! Like never! Every time I made a mess wearing them, especially the red one that's darker. Now I can throw them away and never look back.
As you can see the colors are good but that's all. It's not worth it. Recycling bin it is!

The Body Shop, spa wisdom-Japan apricot & rice finishing mist 

For you wondering what this product is for I have to tell you this, I don't know. For those of you who know, please leave me a comment telling me what to do with it. I'm probably gonna throw it out because I have this for years and I don't think that it is healthy for me to use. I really don't know what to do with it nor what was I thinking when buying it. It's a mystery that will never be solved I guess.

Bio Oil 

I heard some good things about this product so I thought that it was miraculous. For me it wasn't. I bought it because I wanted to reduce my acne scars but it didn't help me at all. I have a full post that I talk about that. Finally I gave it to my mum and she is happy with this product which helps her with anti-aging.

Acnicare sun teintée SPF30 

I don't know if this is a good sunblock because I never tried to put it on and go out. It is soooo dark, too dark for my skin tone but when I bought it there were no other lighter colors for me to choose. I was thinking that it should be neutral and not very dark so I could put a little bit of lighter powder on and even it with my skin tone but it never worked. I wanted this particular sunblock because it was tinted, made for acne prone skin and with the SPF protection I need in an urban environment. It had everything that I wanted but it's in no way the right color for me.

Yes that's the color and it's way too different from mine. I cannot use this product without looking weird. 

Veet easy strips for bikini line and arm pits

Well oh well.... I haven't used this product on the spots it's made for because I don't wanna feel that kind of pain. I have used it only on my legs when I was missing some spots but haven't used them again for years... Maybe I should so those strips won't go to waste. 

Veet EasyWax, Electrical Roll-On Kit

I am a big fan of waxing my hair off, as you can tell, so I bought this device to help me out. But this device only takes the Veet refills which are way more expensive than some other brands. Now I'm thinking that I should have bought a device that wouldn't reject all refills that aren't from the same brand. Maybe I would give extra money on the device but the refills would be much much cheaper.

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