Sunday, May 19, 2019

Review: Nyx Lid Lingerie Palette

I haven’t had any reviews lately, because I don’t really try new makeup products. I’m trying to keep my addiction under control and give my skin a break by going make up free, as I said on previews posts(Cutting down makeup, my story, Acne Update). I don’t have much inspo lately either so I barely post. But I have a new palette, which I bought as a Christmas gift to myself and I’m ready to talk about it! Many months later after I bought it but I tried several times and I have the full experience! So let’s get started.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Favorite Products of 2018

Happy New Year everyone!!!!! How was your 2018? Mine was pretty nice I’d say but now it’s over and we’re on the first days of 2019, so what’s better than counting down our fav beauty products of the year? Here are the 10 products I tried in 2018 and fell in love with. Let’s get started.