Tonymoly egg pore blackhead steam balm (post)
I have already had a review about this product saying how much I love it and I stick to it. I really like it, every time I used it I could notice a difference on my blackheads. Just a little tip in case you buy it, use it often if you want to see a difference. I was using it very often once I bought it, like 3 times a week but in October I gave up on it. I actually gave up on skincare, makeup and blogging the previous months so I gave up on it as well. It's a nice product though.
Would I buy it again? Probably not in the near future because I need a miracle for my big, dirty blackheads.
Lush Blackberry Bomb
You guys have no idea how much I wanted to try a Lush bathbomb. I couldn't find a store here in Greece, like anywhere. So, one day I was walking on a central street on Thessaloniki (greek city) and I saw a Lush store and I was like whaaaaaaa? No way. So I went in and after checking out every single product I decided to get the BlackBerry Bomb because it was like, ummmm the most value for money. It is 180g and costs 4€, all the other big bombs were close to 7€ so yeah. I love the package, they gave it to me in a little paper bag and when I was at the cashier, the lady that was there printed a sticker with the product details and stuck it on the paper bag. I really liked that, it had the ingredients on it, Lush's brand name and two bunnies fighting writing next to them "FIGHTING ANIMAL TESTING" and I'm all about cruelty free and natural products. I was super excited and wanted to check out those popular bath bombs. It had a very strong scent, my bag was smelling like this bath bomb for daaaaaays and kinda so did my house. Anyway, when I went home, I filled up my bathtub with water, jumped in and threw the bomb. Then I thought "so what's the purpose of it? What does it really do to my body and skin?" Guys, I was sad. Really I just stood there in the water watching 4€ fizzling in front of me. Why is everyone talking about this? Really what's the main purpose of this creation? It had a little paper writing BOOM! on it that made me smile but I was pretty sad, I waited so long wanting to try a bath bomb, I was super excited when I purchased it and then I saw it was not a big deal. It was nothing. Would I buy it again? Hell no! I won't give up on Lush as a brand, I like their brand's concept but I will never buy a bath bomb again.
Natura Siberica Oblepikha Mask
This guys is a hair mask which is made for severely damaged hair, like mine. I don't really style my hair often but it's pretty long and I am kinda harsh on it while brushing so it looks bad and is rough to the touch. This mask is made from siberian herbs and oils and doesn't contain parabens and other bad ingredients but I am mostly against parabens so that's something that encourages me to buy a product. The first times of using it I was thrilled. My hair was softer and brushing it was easier but after a while using it my hair was like before I started using it. I didn't change anything with my hair routine, it was just like it wouldn't work. I don't know, maybe my hair got used to it and stuff but I was kinda shocked when I realised that this wasn't working like before. I'm talking about 4-5 times of using.
Would I buy it again? No.
Tonymoly egg pore shiny skin soap
After I fell in love with the egg pore masks I discovered this product which is two soaps that claim to clean up your pores. The first soap which is white is for morning use and the second which is brown (not deep brown more like the eggs' kind of brown) is for night use. I wouldn't say that this product made my face poreless but really helped with my acne which I appreciate, like helping clean it up, wasn't allowing many break outs, but always in combination with other products I am using of course.
Would I buy it again? No, it's not that I don't like it it's just that cleansing is so important for me. I am so picky when it comes to facial soaps that I only have 2 favs, not even a top 5 or anything. 2 favorite soaps for the 22 years I'm on this planet.
Ecotools Brows and Eyelashes Comb
That's not that much of an empty. That's me paying tribute to this tool before throwing it out because it broke. I have all my brushes in a pencil case when I am going on trips so that's what I did this time as well. I guess the pressure was too much for my poor brush to handle and now it's totally broken. So rest in peace my good friend it was nice having you for a while.
Would I buy it again? No, because I'm on a budget so I will try to find an extremely cheap brush to replace it for now.
That's it for this month's empties. As I look back I had pretty bad reviews this time... That's nice for a change I guess. Have you ever tried any of these products? If so did you like it?
P.S. I always recycle my empties, please do the same you guys our planet is in great need for some kind moves like that.
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